Best Food for Weight Loss

Best Food for Weight Loss

How to lose weight fast is a universal question and strike every over weighted men/women’s mind at least once in a lifetime! Every one of us has that dream of having a slim and fit body. Usually some have it as a fitness goal and some plan it to be as a new year’s resolution. A balanced-diet with a Low Calorie intake with some regular exercise can be very effective in the process of weight loss. Here we shall discuss some great foods filled with rich amount of nutrients and vitamins which actually show some great amount of progress in the process of weight loss.

Best food for weight loss

Unlike people typically think, the food that is included in the best weight lost diet doesn’t come with a fancy name. It is just the regular items that we take in our meal. These foods for weight loss taken in right quantity can help you attain a slim fit body, enhance your metabolism by boosting up your nutrient intake and help you burn those extra calories more efficiently.

1. Egg White

Egg white has been found as an essential component in the process of weight loss as crucial amount of protein is generated by the egg white and it can keep you full for hours reducing the calorie intake of the day to a lower level. A satiety index monitors the scale of food on the basis of fullness and egg white scores the highest.

2. Brown Rice

India is known for its staple on rice and wheat and if you are wondering rice is your go to staple food during the process of weight loss then, yes it is, but you have to get a premium quality of rice which is known as brown rice. Brown rice is a type of staple food which has a low amount of carbohydrate, and it also keeps you full anytime, any day.

3. Leafy Vegetables

Leafy vegetables are a must if you want to follow the best weight lost diet. Green and leafy vegetables have always shown the sign of a healthy food habit and a plate of salad in your everyday meal can really help you to boost the process of losing weight fast. They contain almost every kind of nutrients and also vitamins that help to maintain a balanced diet, hence helping in weight loss and are also considered as one of the best foods for weight loss.

4. Meat

Meat such as red meat and chicken breast have been considered to be a food which has a rich amount of protein content and as we know protein is directly related to the functioning of the metabolism and breaking down of belly fats, hence it really helps to reduce weight fast and effectively.

5. Seafood

Omega-3 is generated from the seafood such as Salmon, Mackerel and Tuna etc. It helps in the process of weight loss by constantly cutting down the excessive fat stored in the belly area and also other parts of the body. Hence being another effective food in the process of weight loss.

How to lose weight fast?

“How to lose weight fast?” is a question that remain unanswered for many as there are individuals who don’t really get time for a regular physical activity and are really concerned about their health and fitness. According to a research, it has been found that people with severe obesity under a “Low Carb Diet” had significantly lost 5.8 kg (12.8 pounds) of weight every six months. Another research states that adolescents with overweight under a “Low Carb Diet” significantly lost an astonishing weight of 9.9 kg (21.8 pounds) over a timespan of just 12 weeks. A “Low Carb Diet”is the best weight loss diet and should be the priority, to maximize the result of weight loss and minimize the result of time span to lose weight fast.

Best weight loss drinks

Some weight loss drinks which have shown an effective sign in the process of weight loss are as follows:

1. Water

Water is an essential commodity of life and it has shown amazing effects in the process of weight loss, if taken in adequate amount i.e. of 5 to 7 litres a day.

2. Black Coffee

Black coffee is another best weight lost drink. Coffee without any sugar and milk has been found to be a great drink in reducing weight as caffeine boosts our metabolism and every organs start functioning smoothly.

3. Green Tea

Green tea consumption is a must in weight loss. Always a go to for weight loss, it contains anti-oxidants necessary to reduce weight, hence always recommended for stimulating weight loss.

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