How Can I Be Productive In Lockdown?
This New Year with the same virus revolving around and hearing the most familiar word – “LOCKDOWN!” ,we are still going on. I know this seems infuriating as ever having to go through the same cycle twice and now it seems like a lifetime since we got convenient with our lives like we used to. Since the lockdown periods are back here are few of the best ways to be productive in lockdown.
Sometimes it is OKAY to be not productive!!
Yes!! The time we are living in demands such advancement that it leaves us feeling pathetic about our own performance impacting our mental health more than ever. And let me tell you, which are not right!! Sometimes for the sake of us; our mental health we have to let go off the toxic competition we are brooded in. This will not only help us to come back stronger and grow better but will also induce a healthy environment around. So, this point is extremely okay to go with at the beginning. “Being Productive” even when the world is experiencing and feeling trauma, fear and trapped is not always mandatory. First comes you then comes the productivity. If you feel like yourself more than only it would be possible to help yourself being productive enough.
At times just stop and do not keep asking “What are the productive things to do in quarantine?” because sometimes just drinking 8 glasses of water might be productive because that is going to give you a great skin peeps!!
Try Meditating & switch to yoga to lose those extra pounds
As Sadhguru quotes,” Meditation is not an act, it is a quality. Meditation is not something you do-it is something that you become.”
To gain this impeccable quality can be one of the productive things you can do in quarantine. Moreover the results are astonishing and you will still want to continue doing it later on. Along with it if you combine the practice of yoga, there will be a greater chance to proceed towards a healthier lifestyle an if you were thinking from a long time to lose those extra pounds, then what better time than the lockdown ?!
Start Journaling
It is not easy to clear your brain when you have all the negative news flowing. In such a case to clear up your brain, you can start journaling your thoughts to know where you are at. This can actually add fun to your life and you might start seeing yourself at a beautiful place at the end of one journal book.
Try setting goals
Sometimes you yourself might not find way on how to be positive in lockdown and downfall in positivity might bring less productiveness in you. During such a situation, what becomes imperative is to set your goal list. It might be to love yourself, to start that book you kept unfinished or complete your assignments: but you need to set that goal list straight and look at it once every morning after waking up and on the night before sleeping.
This will encourage you to work for it and know where you are at that moment and where you have to be in the future.
Stop the dependency on social media
It is almost impossible for us to stay away from the social media. Even when you think of doing productive things in quarantine maybe then immediately you open up your socials and look at what’s going wrong in the world and how somewhere maybe you aren’t doing enough. This will impact your mental health drastically and lead to a life that turns out to be miserable. In such a situation, switch to a break from social media. Try having social media fast for at least a week or a month and see how positively it will start changing your life.
Things will take longer than expected to turn back to normal, but we can do our bit to bring normalcy in our life that has been turning into some unfortunate situations. Try these tips and maybe you will be surprised to see the visible difference you have brought to your existence.