How To Identify Pests on Your Lawn
Pests can wreak havoc on your lawn. Identify the types of pests to determine the correct treatment for removal. This is key for maintaining a healthy, pest-free lawn. Here are some common signs of pests on your property, as well as tips on when to hire a lawn care service.
Identifying Pests on Your Lawn
The first step in dealing with any pest problem is identification. Different types of pests will show different signs that they are present in your yard. It pays to know what kind you’re dealing with. Some common signs of pests include the following:
Damage to plants: Look for holes or chewed leaves on trees and shrubs. These could be signs of insect infestation. If you notice wilted or discolored foliage, this could also indicate a pest problem.
Trails: If you see tracks or webs on your grass or other plants, this means insects are living nearby. These trails are usually left behind by spiders and other crawlers that use them as pathways. Check for trails regularly so you can catch any potential problems early on.
Feces: Rodents leave behind droppings which can appear as small piles or spots around the yard. These droppings can look very similar from one species to another. Take a closer look before trying to identify the source of the problem.
Mounds: Another sign of insect activity is the appearance of mounds. They are often found around ant hills or termite colonies. These mounds consist of dirt, and debris pushed up as the insects’ tunnel below ground level. The mounds can sometimes reach several feet high.
Once you’ve identified what type of pest is causing problems in your yard, take action. Depending on the type and severity of the infestation, there are different steps you can take to reduce or eliminate their presence.
Some methods include pesticides, traps, and natural repellents. These all help deter certain insects or rodents from returning once removed from an area.
Common Types of Lawn Pests
You can identify grubs by their C-shaped bodies and creamy white coloring with dark heads. Someone can pull them from the ground near dead spots on your lawn. They live in the soil and feed on roots, causing patches of dying grass.
Up close, Chinch bugs look like tiny black dots. You can spot them by their orange wings folded over their backs. They suck the juice from plants, leaving yellow or brown patches throughout your lawn or garden.
Armyworm damage appears as large tracts of devoured grass. They follow a meandering pattern through your yard. Sod webworm damage occurs as small circles with dead patches inside them.
Cutworm damage will appear as circular areas with ragged edges. Billbugs are tiny beetles that feed on stem bases under a layer of soil. Their damage resembles large, irregularly shaped patches with dead spots.
Treatment Options
Once you have identified which pest is causing problems, you can pursue different treatment options. Chemical treatments, beneficial nematodes (microscopic worms), or manual removal (digging out grubs) are all options.
Each type has its benefits and drawbacks. A lawn care expert will consider all three before deciding which one is best for you and your lawn needs.
Use a Professional Lawn Care Service
Identify pests in your lawn to keep it healthy and thrive throughout the growing season. Recognize the most common pest types and know how to identify them. This way, you can contact a lawn care service that will choose an effective treatment option to keep your lawn healthy all year long.