PHP For Web Development
The world is fully depending on internet. Everyday millions of peoples explore many reliable things according to their needs over internet. Millions of websites and web applications are being developing each and everyday and this trending seems never going old. But do you ever wonder, how this websites or the web applications are going to work?
A website is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server. To build a websites or web applications, the developer should keep in his mind, how to attract the crowd toward his websites or web applications. Also developer should concerned about the grow and able to handle the increasing traffic. Typically the websites are dedicated to a particular purpose such as news, education, commerce, entertainment and social networking. There are some websites require user registration or subscription to access the content of the web pages. There are certain examples of subscription websites including many business sites, news websites, academic journal websites, gaming websites, websites providing real-time stock market data, as well as sites providing various other services as it requires. Websites or web application are basically divided into two categories-static and interactive, interactive sites are part of the web community of sites which allows for interactivity between the sites owner and sites visitors or user. Where as static sites server are capture information but do not allow engagement with the audience or user directly.
To developed a website there are several technologies which are available in the market, but most of the developer always prefer to use PHP technology for development of websites or web application. These framework for PHP development have benefits and one of the most important developments in this design and IT development practices. There are several reason that, why PHP is the choose by the web developers for creating a websites or a web application?, Because Compared to other languages like C,C++, and java, PHP is much easier to learn and also easy to use, it is also free to use as it is an open source. PHP can run on all the platform like Mac OSX, windows and Linux. PHP is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages. PHP is a widely- used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft’s ASP.As it mention PHP is a server scripting language, this means the processing happens in the server, since the client can only receives the output. Before sending the output the processing are done by using the resources of the server. An HTML pages, PHP code that will be executed each time the pages is visited. The PHP code is interpreted at the web server and generates HTML or output that the user will see.PHP are available for all kinds of shapes and size and also have targeted developers with different levels of experiences, application needs, hosting capabilities and development time. The PHP facilitates web programming and make its better organized in several ways. Its increases the productivity of program because writing a code that usually takes hours and also its take hundreds of line of code that can be done with in a minutes using built-in- function of PHP framework, where PHP framework usually comes with a support team, documentation or important support forums where users can quickly get answers.
The main advantages of PHP are PHP is open source as I mention it earlier, PHP provides scalability which help websites easy extension by adding more user or server while it’s needed. Its also provide high speed as it uses own memory, both workload and loading time are reduced, security-as it is open source it is not secure enough but the truth of any programming language is vulnerable, the security level depends on the expertise of a developer and their practices, and cost-efficient as PHP is an open source so its doesn’t require any additional expensive software to work, and custom development it is the best tool for creating custom websites as it’s does not have limited by any custom options hence developers can create web platform based on PHP that what exactly matched the client’s needs which give more satisfaction to the client as well as the developer.
Large community of a developers always keep updating the forums with news and benefits. As it is a reliable source of information and other related issues on PHP. Since PHP is a server-side scripting language it offers the option of running on a web server. Web developer preferring to work with PHP as its secure, reliable and fast resulted. The enterprise will quite beneficial, if they hire a PHP developer than a general web developer. The developer who are specializes in this PHP language knows as the dynamic nature of the scripting language that can enhance the appearance and function of the websites. The industry that the web pages belongs to a web page created with PHP is more dynamic and also easy to use. So the PHP is the one of the better technology or a programming languages among all the programming languages , which most of the developer use while developing a website or a web application.