Publish Your Article
Are you passionate enough for writing? Do you want to publish your article online? We can provide you the right platform for this. Just register in our website and you are good to go. Check out the rules here:
- Your article should consist of minimum 700 words and maximum is your choice. There is no such word limits for poems.
- Please do not post any promotional content.
- Post only unique content. Do not copy paste from anywhere. We will verify your content with our plagiarism checker. Content with more than 1% plagiarism will be removed and your profile will be deleted.
- Check on the grammar and sentence structure properly.
- Minimum one picture is required with every post. Maximum you can include two. You can add infographs or charts if required.
- You can also include videos in your post, maximum two videos are allowed.
- Please check the copyright law before including a picture or any media file. It’s better if you post original photos. In case of original photos you can give credit to the photographer below the photograph.
- You are requested to share your posts on your social media channels. This will be a win-win situation for both you and us.
- Each article will be reviewed by our team before it gets published. The process will be same if you even edit the article after posting it.
- It’s preferred that you add in a short bio, a connection to your site, blog or any web-based social networking sites.