Maya Angelou’s quote, “I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass. ” has a zing to it that inspires that little young girl to go and get the world by her hands. But! Why that is the word Feminism (pardon if it enrages you) still gets on many folks’ (and when I say folks I am not targeting any particular gender or community but as a whole to them who do not support or at least understand about feminism) nerve without them being able to justify as to “WHY”?!
Why is that a specific part or people of this world are still hung up with the thought of inequality? The word Feminism can be traced back to 1848 where a rally was put out by say Three Hundred People containing all genders (male and female as identified in history). The results of the rallies have made people aware, especially the women, that they deserve “equality” and not to be termed as the second gender. In fact, why the necessity of numbering the genders when Adam and Eve existed together at the same time?!
Feminism is nothing but just “equality”. It is as simple as that. But there has been a great sense of disagreement since history and now the ladies have had enough. They have stood up for what they are meant to be or meant to do. The lives of girls are not mandatorily meant to be confined to the “do’s” and “don’ts”. What remains questionable is that why are only the female gender to be categorized and discriminated against in a world where they too are equally capable of doing almost everything the male gender is supposed to do?!
In the words of Emma Watson,” This isn’t just, ‘girls are better than boys, boys are better than girls.’ This is just, everyone deserves a fair chance.” She has wonderfully expressed how a lady when supports feminism she is supporting as a whole the concept of being equal and being treated the same as a Man is treated in a society. Despite having the strength to bleed every month, giving birth to a child they are treated as the weakest gender and this is something we as a Woman should stand up against and fight for to get what we actually deserve.
For centuries women have been raped, slaved, not counted for and being disrespected for who they are. But, now in this living century we are fortunate enough to see many people young and old, man and woman have stand against all these cruelty practices since long and have made a significant impact on the use of the word “Feminism” and now it isn’t just a word but a practice which actually has made women feel lucky to be treated as an equal and given the respect everyone owed to her.
Being a feminist doesn’t make you wrong but instead will make you seem fair and stronger. Let’s teach our future generation that there is nothing a man can do which a woman cannot. Let’s not teach her that she is weak and he is strong but let’s make it a world where together we are the strongest. There is a mindset here to be changed which will take again some years but the key is not to give up. REMEMBER!!! We are here in this together to make this world a better living place for all.