Zumba: Dancing Feet for Fitness
How to do Zumba at home? Maybe this is what in the pandemic a huge lot of people are typing on their search bar. Well, the answer is absolute yes! Why not?
As we all know Zumba is a Latin mixed with international music dance along with exercise that not only becomes a fun exercise but an impressive way to reduce those extra calories you gained in this quarantine.
This exercise is a combination of flexibility and aerobics. It helps in improving your strength at your core and also has a medium level intensity which makes it quite a suitable thing to do. People with diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, bad cholesterol can have a beneficial effect on their health.
“The question is how do I use Zumba for weight loss…?”
Well, such a question comes out so frequently because people tend to think about how come just dancing to music will help me lose my extra weight?! But Zumba is ideal for weight loss.
The moves are a mixture of both high and low-intensity exercise which is medium. It helps you in hitting some of the basic parts of the body you target to lose. So what are they?
The most important part is the CORE. Along with it come to the arms, legs, glutes, and back. The movements are arranged in such a manner that they hit these parts and you out of fun tend to miss out on the pain and go on with the 60-minute schedule.
“Can you be more specific about the type of Zumba for beginners….?”
If you are on self-doubt just like for starting a gym session or intense yoga to lose weight as beginners, then for Zumba you do not need to have such doubt at all. I mean this is music mixed with body movements (medium intensity) which makes it quite easy to carry on the Zumba for long even as beginners.
“Tell me How to do Zumba at home…?”
You remember those days long before YouTube existed? People used to watch the television and imitate what was happening on the screen like aerobics! This was done a long time back and if you apply the same formula then even today while you are quarantined inside your home you can eradicate the question from your mind about “How to do Zumba at home”. The official Zumba site provides you DVD to purchase which will guide you in doing the movements at home itself. The best part is that you and your whole family can do it all together and have some enjoyable moments.
“What is the best time for zumba…?”
The best time for Zumba is two-three times a week. This is ideal for weight loss if you are looking for an instant effect. But please remember, just Zumba alone cannot help you lose heaviness but along with it you have to maintain a balanced diet and a good amount of water too.
Above all, what we can derive from the discussion above is that this special dancing form of exercise is a package full of amusement and results. This is something that will not make you bored or tired but instead bring energy into your body and make life a happier one. Do it with your friends or family, it sure is guaranteed to give you a fulfillment in this quarantine days.
As we end today let’s make it with a good quote –
Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States quoted,
“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.”
Good luck Zumbains (something I just came up with)!!!!