Cleanest village in asia – Mawlynnong

Asia's cleanest village Mawlynnong; Image source: Instagram/nomadicterritories

Cleanest village in asia – Mawlynnong

Cleanest village in asia is Mawlynnong, located in Meghalaya, a beautiful state of Northeast India. It has been recognized as not only India’s but also ‘Cleanest village in asia’. A small village surrounded by lush greens, and vibrant flora, and one of the cleanest villagers in Asia who have pledged to work better that too together to keep their village clean and sustainable. Today we are talking about this pretty village that inhabits around 100 families as a whole and is nature powerhouse.

Whilst you are on Shillong or Meghalaya tour make sure you put Mawlynnong on the bucket list. It is an alluring destination to experience once in your lifetime and you better make it sooner. In 2003 after Mawlynnong was given the title of ‘Asia’s Cleanest Village’ by Discovery India Magazine, the rate of tourism saw a terrific boom since everyone wanted to witness this gem of a place hidden in Northeast India at Meghalaya. 

The village inhabits around 100 families as a whole with a similar mindset towards keeping their place clean and dirt-free(amazing isn’t it?). Even our honorable PM of India Shri Narendra Modi ji has also talked about this village in “Mann Ki Baat” mentioning his happiness and pride for Northeast India holds such a place in the entire continent.  Other than that, there are a few things that will make you feel even better if you decided on a Shillong Meghalaya Tour for yourself. Here are some of the things you should know before paying a visit-

Spotlessness- This small picturesque village has the unique feature of being such clean that you will remain astonished alone and that’s the highlight of this place. 

Named God’s Own Garden – Another view you will not miss while visiting this place is that every household has flowers or a mini garden in front of their huts. This is why an interesting fact about NE India is that Mawlynnong is also known as God’s Own Garden.

A healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle – Not only do the people of this land remain clean but also follow an eco-friendly way of lifestyle since, the use of plastic, littering, and smoking are strictly prohibited there. The inhabitants are involved in community cleaning as a whole and follow traditional methods of waste management. 

Some Tourists’ spots to Visit- You might think that there are hardly any tourist spots to go to during your tour of Asia’s cleanest village – Mawlynnong. There is the balancing rock of Mawlynnong which is a kilometer away. Another spot would be the tree-top viewpoint that gives you a panoramic view of both Mawlynnong and Bangladesh too.  

Another spot you will get inside the village is the Church of Epiphany which is a must-visit. It will help you with some calmness away from the tourist crowd inside the village.

Homestay- Now, you might want to spend one or two peaceful nights in the village there is an amazing option for homestay in Mawlynnong. Hosted by Bitan there is a homestay at the heart of the village with two rooms (one two-bedded bamboo hut and the other three-bedded) with attached bathrooms. Some simple yet fulfilling home-cooked meal options are available. 

In short, Cleanest village in asia is a peaceful and beautiful place you would not miss up on at all and must visit once in your lifetime to log off from the world and be peaceful for once experiencing the locals of Meghalaya. And once you fall in love with this place, we can assure you that there will be definitely you coming back to visit once again. 

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