Deal With Winter With These Dandruff Home Remedies
It is highly possible that your ex might not come back but your Dandruff definitely will. And the regular struggles of not wearing black and always being mindful about it makes it impossible to move forward. That is why it is necessary that you know which home ingredient can help you save the extra worry and money to have a dandruff free scalp and that pretty hair bouncing all along.
Why do I have dandruff?…
That’s a question that comes to one’s mind dealing dandruff that why is it that they are so adamant and come back every winter! It’s going to be a never-ending question with numerous possibilities. Some of them are dry skin, less care of hair or seasonal effects. The D-word is as irritable as it is. To bring an end to such issues, we bring you some easy home remedies for how to cure dandruff problems.
What are the remedies that are easily available at my home that can treat dandruff?…
Some coconut and neem – Yes! That heavenly smell of coconut oil mixed with coconut is an ultimate solution to your itchy dry flaky scalp. Take slightly warm coconut oil and neem oil (without any blend) of equal proportion and then massage it to your scalp for some time and then rinse with a shampoo that’s paraben free. Continue this dandruff home remedy and the results will WOW you!!!!
Some sweet honey and sour lemon – No! Not for your taste buds but for your dry scalp this combination is an amazing one to go with. Did you know lemon for dandruff is one of the top-most best remedies? If mixed with honey, the properties act as a great cleanser as well as keep your scalp healthy and D-free(if you know what I mean!).
Some Aloe-Vera – Oh! I know your scalp already feels relaxed and cool seeing Aloe-Vera. That is right! Aloe works wonders when it comes to your dry scalp care as well as giving some health to those roots too. Apply it simply on the scalp and leave it for an hour or so and rinse with normal water, the results will start showing after 2-3 uses. Or you can use it with any oil too (it works amazingly too!?).
Some less stress – LOL! Indeed! Taking less stress is also an amazing remedy for getting rid of your dry scalp. We all know that stress can lead to deterioration in mental health but little do we know that the same can lead to excessive dry scalp as well as itchiness in your skin or scalp. So, it also forms a part of our home remedy for dandruff in this list of ours.
Some Curd or YOGURT – Whichever you choose to say but the output is still going to be the same. Dandruff causes dryness as well as itchiness in your scalp for which reason you should concentrate more on choosing those ingredients that have cooling properties and gives you a soothing effect later on. Apply it after whisking a bit directly to your hair, if you want to add some lemon juice for an extra health to your hair. Thank us later!!
These are the top 5 picks we tried and tested over dandruff and came back as a winner later. Try them and get rid of all those winter woes with dry scalp and irritable itchiness. Taking care of your lush hair is as important as taking care of any other part of our body. A healthy scalp and some beautiful hair will make you look not only confident but bring peace into your life. Trust us! Let us know how it went. Happy Self-care!