Hate Those Extra Fat? Remove It With Liposuction
Starting the Monday morning with a cup of green tea and ending the weekend with a double cheese pizza! That’s not very strange and can be true with many of us. Loosing on your diet is a common practise. Especially for people who are not much health freak, much busy with office work, housewives with lots of household works, mothers with kids or anyone with heredity, having obesity or hormonal disorder can get extra pounds in their body. We all know it is very much required or prescribed that you should at least make some time for your health and do exercise every day, have good diet and try to lose weight naturally. But that might not be possible for many due to their extreme busy schedule or for any other reason. In this case you can go for liposuction. There are a few liposuction risks. But if you are confident enough with your health and abide by doctor’s instruction you can definitely enjoy the liposuction benefits.
What is liposuction? Types of liposuction:
Liposuction also called lipo, lipoplasty or body countering is actually a cosmic surgery that is done for cutting out the extra fat in your body. Basically the portion of your body from where you find very difficult to shed the extra fat, liposuction is done to remove those. Liposuction surgery is basically done by a plastic surgeon or dermatology surgeon and usually is done on your hips, belly, buttocks, thighs, arms, knees, calves, cheeks, abdomen, back and face. Most common is liposuction for belly fat but it can be done on other parts of your body as well according to your need. Liposuction can be done with other plastic surgeries too. Often people are seen doing it for face lifting, breast reductions or enlargement, tummy tucks and on other parts of the body to give it a good shape.
There are four types of liposuction surgery procedure. Depending on your body structure, medical issues or your requirements that from which area of your body you want to remove the unwanted extra fat, a surgeon may prescribe you which one of the liposuction procedure you should take up. So, following that the procedure for a person who wants to do liposuction for belly fat might not be the same as that of a woman who wants to do breast shaping. Liposuction types are:
- Tumescent liposuction: In tumescent liposuction or fluid injection method a sterile solution is injected into your body part where fat removal is to be done. The amount of medicated solution injected is quite large and is almost three times the fat that is to be removed. The liquid makes the suction of fat easier with less pain and blood loss. This method of liposuction is the most common one.
- Ultrasound assisted liposuction: Ultrasound assisted liposuction or shortly UAL is a method where ultrasonic vibration is used to turn fat cells into liquid. It is done in two ways- in external way it is done above the surface of the skin with an emitter and in internal way it is done below the skin with a small cannula. UAL is done specially for fat removal from dense, fibrous areas of the body.
- Laser assisted liposuction: Laser assisted liposuction or shortly LAL is a method where laser energy is used to liquefy the fat. The laser produces o large amount of energy and thus helps in suction of fat after it gets liquefied. The liquid fat is then drained out through small tubes. This technique is also called SmartLipo.
- Super wet technique: This technique is similar with tumescent liposuction but here the amount of fluid injected is less. Here the amount of medicated solution inserted is equal to the amount of fat to be removed.
Is Liposuction safe? Know the before surgery details:
Is liposuction safe? Yes, it is. But there are certainly few liposuction risks that you should be aware of before going for the surgery. If you have strongly decided to go for the surgery make sure that your body also have the ability to take up the pain and risks. Make a list of the things that you know beforehand:
- You should have a firm elastic skin.
- Should not smoke.
- Doctors don’t want to take up risk with patients having heart disease, diabetics or weak immune system.
- Ask your doctor about your liposuction after before diet and alcohol restrictions.
- If you have any allergy or take any medicine, tell your doctor before the surgery.
- You should be ready to tolerate little pain, swelling and soreness after the surgery.
Liposuction benefits:
The biggest liposuction benefit- finally you will be able to get rid of that extra fat you had been trying hard since long to get shaded. What else you need! Well, there are many other benefits of liposuction that one can achieve and heal medical issues as well-
- Your body gets a good shape and it helps in muscle tone up.
- Lipomas is a fatty tumour present in certain areas of body and is hard to remove. With liposuction it can be removed easily.
- Liposuction’s effect is long lasting. So there is less chance that patient’s weight would increase abruptly after this.
- As to maintain the result of liposuction patients are usually seen taking up healthy lifestyle after the surgery.
Liposuction surgery cost:
Liposuction surgery cost not only includes the cost of the surgery but also the cost of the liposuction after before diet and medicines that your surgeon prescribes you to take. Following the same liposuction surgery cost may vary in between $2000-$4000. In India surgery cost ranges between $620-$2500.
Though the basic functioning is same, everyone’s body is differently shaped. So, knowing the requirements of your body, it is up to you how you prepare yourself for liposuction. Do consult with your doctor before taking any decision and go through the do’s and don’ts properly. Wish you happy health!