International Yoga Day 2023
“Yoga is when every cell in the body sings the song of the soul.” B. K. S. Iyengar. Yoga has been an integral part of human lives since 200 BC. So, even before International Yoga Day was established, people have been embracing its benefits and practiced yoga regularly.
Yoga is a practice where your mind, body, and soul are connected together to keep it closer to enlightenment but even with minimal of its practice you can let yourself achieve that body goal weight and rightful mind. In todays stressful life keeping a healthy body and mind is hard and yoga is one of the most powerful tool to keep a healthy life. International Day of Yoga was proposed by Shri Narendra Modi in September 2014 to be celebrated on the 21st of June since most of the Sun is out on that particular day for the entire year.
The first International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st, June 2015 when approximately 36,000 people including the Prime Minister performed 21 asanas in just 35 minutes, and ever since it has become a tradition to do so. Even this year it is going to be celebrated all over the world on that day to induce the habits of healthy lifestyle among the people of the world.
मन अर्थात् चित्त की वृत्तियों का सर्वथा रुक जाना योग है । (In Hindi)
Yoga is hindering the Chitta from taking various forms (Vrittis) (In English)
The theme for this year is “Yoga for Holistic Development” globally. The prime focus behind it is to promote yoga for everyone to induce the benefit of everything a human is covered with- be it mental, physical, social, emotional, etc. Holistic development of human anatomy is only possible through this ancient practice that originated in India.
Why celebrate International Yoga Day?
Well, yoga is an ancient tradition being practiced in India to reach enlightenment and keep one’s body aligned with nature. But with the increased habits of being inside a cubicle, eating junk, and not having time to relax in nature and practice; this yoga day has been introduced.
In this regard, PM Narendra Modi quoted “Yoga is an invaluable gift from our ancient tradition. Yoga embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action … a holistic approach [that] is valuable to our health and our well-being. Yoga is not just about exercise; it is a way to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world, and nature.”
तपःस्वाध्यायेश्वरप्रणिधानानि क्रियायोगः॥२.१॥
तपः, स्वाध्याय, ईश्वर–प्रणिधानानि, क्रिया–योग: ॥
तप, अध्यात्मशास्त्रों के पठन–पाठन और ईश्वर शरणागति – ये तीनों क्रिया योग हैं। (In Hindi)
Austerity, study of sacred literature and surrendering fruits of work to God are called Kriya-Yoga( In English)
Here in this blog, we will be sharing with you 3 asanas/yoga poses you must practice on this day. We have curated the list depending upon the ease of life and its flexibility.
1. Self-meditation:
This is a basic but too powerful asana to try and is recommended once a week at least. All you have to do is follow some simple rules. Firstly, lie on the floor still with your hands by your side not touching your body and the same goes with your feet. Now close your eyes and start to scan your body from bottom to top. Bring your attention to the body parts slowly and steadily and keep your breathing steady throughout the process. Practice this for a minimum of 20 mins to have peaceful days the entire week.
2. Malasana:
A very important asana for women in general. Mala(garland) asana (pose) helps in curing cramps, smooth bowel movements, hip pains, and regular periods. Sit in a squat pose and stretch your legs as much as possible keeping your feet firmly on the ground. Make sure to keep your hands in a prayer pose and your back straight. After that close your eyes and take deep breaths and inhale exhale for 5 mins. You are done!
3. Viparita Karani:
This pose is to be done by stretching your legs up above the wall. This is a very easy as well as beneficial yoga pose you must try on this International Yoga Day and the days after. Try getting yourself closer to a wall and sleep on top of your mat. After that put your legs up against the wall vertically so that your waist touches it. After that remain in that position for a minimum of 5 minutes and gradually bring your legs down.
Yoga is not something you should practice just on a particular day but make a habit of doing so every single day be it for 15 mins or 30 mins. The benefits of it are a wonder and have made amazing changes all over the world. Just 10 mins of meditation can help you in gaining the level of enlightenment you deserve. Apart from it try to infuse some good diet and healthy habits into your lifestyle while you get the zest of it.