Know How This Young Mom is ‘Planting Happiness’ Through ‘GrowArt’

Know How This Young Mom is ‘Planting Happiness’ Through ‘GrowArt’

Indoor plants are beneficial for health- a tiny green pot of plant is not only for visual beauty but it also helps in improving concentration, reduces stress level and purifies air too. In our search for beginner entrepreneurs from Assam, we got to know about ‘GrowArt’- a start up of indoor plants managed by Mrs. Tridisha Kataki, an US return and a very talented woman who has turned her passion and love for plants to her profession now. On asking about her venture she has described about it very beautifully as-

“GrowArt – planting happiness was born mainly due to passion and interest in potted plants. From my childhood, I had observed my mother taking care of her potted plants and nurturing her kitchen garden. As a child, we had a huge garden of both flowers and vegetables in our campus. Even though both my parents were full time college professors, their passion and care to cultivate plants and vegetables was the talk of the town. As a child, I used to help my mom while she took care of the plants on the weekend or holidays. In her absence, I watered the plants with my tiny mug and cleaned the weeds. In this way, unknowingly I adopted the hobby of caring for plants. Gradually, I cherished a dream of maintaining a beautiful garden of mine in the future.

go green

The benefits of having indoor plants in our surroundings include:

  • Makes one happy and increases positivity
  • Keeps the atmosphere fresh & healthy
  • Eliminates harmful toxins
  • Improves concentration & productivity
  • Reduces stress level & boosts mood
  • Adds beauty to home décor and work space.

Due to wed lock, I had to leave India and spent 6 years abroad but my love for potted plants never diminished. Last year, I had a thought to start buying and designing ceramic pots and start planting my own indoor potted plants in every corner of my house. I started arranging everything required for growing saplings in my terrace. I planted the saplings in ceramic pots of varied shapes and sizes and made them eco friendly and attractive. I used homemade manure provided by my mom. Whoever saw my passion and interest, specially my in-laws encouraged me to turn my hobby into a profession. And nothing could hold me back when you have supportive people around. I went ahead and initially bought 20 ceramic pots with my father-in-law. I ensure to use only indoor plants which includes money plants, bamboo plants, hybrid snake plants, syngonium (mini and big), spider plants, vein plants, succulents etc. To my surprise, the 20 pots were sold in a week’s time amongst family & friends. I got a great response from plant lovers. This motivated me to buy another 50 eco-friendly pots and the number of pots kept increasing every month.

indoor plants as gift

Gradually, people started buying and referring to the indoor potted plants from GrowArt for home decor, office décor, birthdays/anniversary gifts and also for office farewell gifts. I have a lot of returning customers, which is a great encouragement. In spite of being a full time office goer before and running a digital marketing agency now, I attend to my potted plants with love and care during weekends and holidays and water them early in the morning. My naughty toddler ensures to help his’ mom every time she waters the plants and saplings. GrowArt has now many loyal customers to its credit. Even during this pandemic, many people have bought these eco-friendly potted plants for birthday & anniversary gifts. I am glad to see people’s mindset shifting in terms of home décor, gifting and adopting go-green and eco-friendly gifts. The main reasons to buy indoor potted plants could be:

  • Eco Friendly gifts for: Birthdays, anniversaries, corporate events
  • Ideal way to say – thank you, congratulations, good luck
  • Interior decoration for – Home, office, commercial space, educational institutions. 

I hope GrowArt continues to grow more and people adopt eco-friendly indoor potted plants items as gifting options. GrowArt has now added homemade vermicompost as one of its new product.”

We wish ‘GrowArt’ a big success!!

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