Natural Ways to Get Rid of Sunburn in Summer
Summer- that comes with exciting things like summer vacation, holidays at the beach, mangoes, icecream, cool outfits, sunglasses and more, also brings skin issues. Rashes, oily skin, acne, sunburns, prikly heat and what not! Among all these the most irritating thing that summer can bring is skin tan. No matter what you wear or what make up you do, sun burn can ruin everything. But thanks to our nature, it has given us immense ingredients which we can use it to get rid of the sun tan in summer.
What causes sunburn or sun tan?
Parts of body that are usually exposed to the sun are more likely to get sun tan. The main cause of sun tan is the UV rays. UVA rays passes through the skin’s lower layers of the epidermis and trigger cells called melanocytes. This produces melanin. This brown pigment causes tanning. Melanin is actually a process of our body to protect the skin from burning.
Natural ways to get rid of sunburn
Natural ways are always better. If you can manage atleast some time in the week to take care of your skin using home remedies you will feel the difference. Moreover there is no change of side effects of the natural ingredients and are cheap as well. Here are some of the best natural ways to get rid of sun tan in summer-
1. Gram flour and turmeric powder-
Gram flour and turmeric is one of the best ways to get rid of oily skin in summer. Gram flour not only soaks the extra oil from skin but also makes your skin smoother. Alongside turmeric works as an antiseptic and kills the germ in the skin.
2. Lemon-
Lemon has antibacterial and astringent property. It is rich in vitamin C and can help to wash off excess oil from the skin. You can extract juice from one lemon, dilute it a bit with water, apply on your skin and wash with cold water after 10/15 mins. It can give you an instant smooth and oil free skin.
3. The multipurpose tomatoes!
Well, tomatoes are not only for salads, sauce, pizza toppings or puree! It can also act as your beauty secret especially in summer. Tomatoes are the best natural ingredient that can cure sun tan. Sun burn is a common problem in the summers. After facing the scorching heat outside when you come home and see black patches on skin, it really hurts. What you can do is take a tomato, cut into pieces and apply the pulp onto your skin. Regular use of this can cure your skin from sun tan.
4. Ice cubes-
Applying ice cubes onto the skin is probably the easiest way to get rid of summer skin problems. Redness, irritation, acne or rashes, ice cubes can give an instant solution to all. It also makes you feel cold and fresh. You can just take and ice cube and apply on skin or take a bowl, put ice water into it and dip your face several times.
5. Egg white- not for omlet today!
Egg white is useful for tightening the pores of skin. You can take one egg white, mix some lemon juice to it and apply on your skin. When it dries, wash with normal water. Lemon has bleaching and antibacterial properties. So it’s a plus if you add it with egg white.
6. Cucumber
Cucumber contains a good amount of water. It helps in hydrating the skin. You can thin slice a cucumber and apply onto your face or extract the juice of one cucumber and apply on the skin with cotton. The best way is to keep the juice in fridge for sometime and apply on skin. It gives a cool soothing feeling and also works on your skin tan.
7. Curd
Curd is one of the best home remedies for sun tan. Curd has protein, vitamin D, vitamin C, calcium that is beneficial not only for sun tan removal but also for a good skin health. Regular application of curd on skin can make your skin glow and smooth. It is very beneficial to have some curd with at least on meal of the day especially in summer.
8. Potato juice- the easiest one!
The most common ingredient in almost all kitchens is the potato. But lesser we know that it has amazing power to heal our skin. Potato juice is very effective for skin tan removal. You can apply the juice with cotton all over your face and tanned areas and wash off when dried. Potato juice is also good for under eye dark circle removal.
Our kitchen ingredients have amazing natural power for healing an unhealthy skin. In India these ingredients have been in use in Ayurveda since long. Proper and regular use of these natural ingredients can do magic to your skin. The best thing about treating skin with natural kitchen ingredients is that it doesn’t do any side effects. So enjoy the beautiful harmless touch of nature on your skin and face the summer with confidence.