Old Age Homes- From A Different Perspective
What is your perspective of old-age homes in Assam? Does it sadden you or do you feel the need of it at times? Well there can be a sort of mixed feelings to it and there are ways to interpret it. There are like hundreds of old-age homes in Assam (Northeast part of India) and why sometimes there comes a need to have such shelter available for the old people is what we are going to discuss today.
Leon Trotsky wrote, “Old age is the most unexpected of all things that happen to a man.”
Old age comes like a lightning and hits every single people so hard that they do not even get a time to absorb the essence of it. When we visit any old-age home in our locality we tend to see them with the eyes of sympathy and suddenly we derive to a conclusion that they are the unlucky parents or guardians who are left alone to do nothing but be in a shelter with people like them.
But why is it that we do so? Is it always obvious that the reason they are there is because of abandonment issue or is it because of these old-age home today someone’s life is becoming easier and happier instead. There are always two sides of a coin but we always ignore one side of it as usual. It is understood that the majority of the cases that we can see in these old-age homes are because of abandonment issues by their children/child. Many of them are seen waiting eagerly looking at the front door with a hope that someday their son/daughter will visit them and take them along. In such a case even, we need to have a mindset open that if not for these old-age shelters there would be nowhere for them to go.
Have visited many old-age homes in Guwahati and seen that there are these people who are legitimately happy for the facilities they are being provided and having an extended family as well among the others. Not always are the situations alike that these people living here are miserable or unhappy. Sometimes, living in an old-age home will give these old ones a family they are deprived of after reaching a certain age.
There are many Government old-age homes provided too which are taken care of very particularly and are free of cost which helps them to have a carefree life if they are economically threatened. Some of the best old-age homes in Guwahati are:-
- Amar Ghar: Located at Patharquary,Guwahati, this old-age home keeps both men and women. Some are husband and wife,some being homeless with no family to look back, some are abandoned; but one thing is common and that is they are loved and cared for. Provided with proper amenities and having good amount of donations funded to them, these old-age homes are functioning quite well and keeping their people quite happy.
- Bharasha Bridhabash: Located at Noonmati, this is a very simple yet loving old-care facility. Set up amidst the hills and greenery, this old-age home is NGO funded and houses approximately 10-12 old people. Starting from their food to monthly check-up, and having discussions over a book etc. are the highlights of this old-age home. Once you visit you understand that sometimes it is necessary to have a feeling of your own home away from home forever.
These two are few among many but it is to set an example, that sometimes those who are deprived of love from their parents can visit and spend time with the old souls and feel fulfilled. On the other hand, those who are wanting to be loved can be provided with some from our end simply by spending some qualitative time. The world is simple but its people are complicated. Let’s not make every home a beautiful place with a reason to do nothing but just love one another.