10 Best Home Remedies for Boosting Immunity Naturally

10 Best Home Remedies for Boosting Immunity Naturally

In the health industry, immune boosting has always been a hot topic. Recently in this Covid time people are focusing much on immune boosting as this has been seen as a good way of fighting against Covid-19. With the demand in the market when big brands are introducing varieties of immune boosting drinks and medicines, some really simple home techniques have been proved better in this regard. In this blog we are going to highlight on some very basic and easily doable home remedies for immune boosting.

Home remedies for good immunity

  1. Proper diet and exercise– Not only good immunity but you can have a good health as a whole with proper diet and exercise. When I am saying diet, I don’t mean only fruits and vegetables or only protein and fiber. A proper diet should be a balance of everything-protein, fiber, carbs, sugar, vitamins, minerals etc. Along with this, we should check on everyday body movement. Taking the steps leaving the escalator, little time in the garden, short walk in between office work- all these habits along with regular exercise or yoga can bring magical changes in your life.
  2. Meditation and stress management– Stress have a major impact on our immune system. When we are stressed the ability of our immune system to fight off antigens is reduced. Hence it becomes more sensible to infection. A good way of stress management is yoga and meditation. Meditation calms the mind and let positive energy in.
  3. Under the sun– When you are exposed to sunlight, the UVB rays hit the cholesterol in the skin cells and perform vitamin D synthesis. Vitamin D has a vital role in immunity building. So, a few minutes in the sunlight can provide the required vitamin D in the body. And of course who doesn’t love sunbath in the sea beaches! That’s not only cool and relaxing, but good for immunity too!
  4. Raw turmeric– Turmeric is a magic ingredient, a super healthy substance of nature that has thousands of health benefits. Whether consumed in raw or powdered form it acts as a blessing to our immune system. Along with hundreds of nutrients present in turmeric the one which is caught special attention is curcumin. Curcumin has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Turmeric with milk, tea or warm water helps fight cold, cough, fever and chest congestion. Turmeric is one of the best natural immune boosters.
  5. The very popular Indian drink kadhaaKadhaa is one of the most popular (in India) and effective home remedies for immune boosting. In the western culture when people are recently showing interest in different immune building drinks that can be prepared easily at home with the kitchen ingredients, Indian kitchens have long history on this. Kadhaa can be of different types. Basically different herbs and medicinal spices are boiled in water and the filtered water is consumed.
  6. Tulsi– Tulsi or holy basil is a good source of anti microbial agent. It is considered as one of the best herbs for immunity. Paste of Tulsi leaves with honey is considered as one of the best ayurvedic medicine for cold and cough.
  7. Ginger and garlic– Ginger and garlic are the most common kitchen ingredients around the world. But these ordinary ingredients serve extraordinary purposes. Ginger and garlic benefits are many. In immune boosting too ginger and garlic have great contribution.
  8. Citrus fruit– In this Covid-19 pandemic time, doctors are asking to have citrus fruits on daily basis. For the reason vitamin C present in the citrus fruits in really good for health and helps fight this deadly disease.
  9. From the kitchen shelves– Black pepper, cardamom, clove, cinnamon and many other spices and herbs always have occupancy in our kitchen shelves. Every spice is unique and has its own medicinal properties. In curry, tea, with rice or any immune boosting drinks adding these spices are always helpful to have good digestion, proper blood pressure, defeating cold, blood sugar control and of course increasing immunity.
  10. Good night– Proper sleep is a must. 7-8 hours a day should be your sleeping hours. If you maintain a good diet, proper exercise but not good sleeping hours, the effort of maintaining a good health will be in vain. For good immunity also good sleep is very much required.

Try these easy home remedies for immune boosting. I am sure you will be much more benefited with these natural immune boosters than the ones available in the market with artificial preservatives and colors. Stay natural, stay healthy.

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